Friday, April 12, 2013

Principle 23 :

Stay Focused on Your Core Genius. While you may not want to own a large business as these folks do, you can certainly learn to hone in on what you do best and delegate everything else. Successful people know what they do best -- and they move forward by getting better and better at it.

Imagine you're employed as a salesperson for a large corporation, yet the paperwork part of your job keeps you from doing what you do best...selling by phone or in person.

If you could approach your managers and convince them to hire a part-time assistant to process your paperwork, that would free you up to make them (and yourself) more money, wouldn't it?

It's the same with any tasks that keep you from doing what you do best--or from doing what you want to do most.

Even stay-at-home moms can find helpers to take over the difficult or tedious work so they can spend more quality time with their kids. It just takes commitment -- after first determining what you need to delegate.

Jack Canfield

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