Friday, May 31, 2013

Principle 58 :

2 Key Processes to Use

I recommend using two processes to help cultivate a positive money consciousness. The first is identifying any limiting beliefs you have about money. Start by writing down all beliefs you have about money. Then identify the beliefs that do not support your conscious dreams and desires.

The second process is to identify any incidents from your past that caused you to make a decision – and take on additional limiting beliefs – about money. Negative emotions from past events often can hinder our efforts to earn, receive and keep more money. Releasing these negative emotions also will help to cultivate a positive money consciousness.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Principle 57 :

Money is an area in which most people believe that their success in blocked in some way. An overwhelming number feel that they don’t have enough money, and many also experience emotional distress related to money.

If you want to have more money – and most people do – improving your money consciousness is an important first step in attracting the abundance of financial wealth you deserve. In this article, I’ll reveal powerful ways to raise your money consciousness.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Principle 56 :

4. Creating Accountability
Most of us find it easy to let ourselves off the hook. We can quickly justify why we haven’t followed through on our commitment to take action on any particular day, just as we can easily make excuses about why we miss our targets completely.
If you find yourself frequently slipping into these habits, an accountability partner will be a huge benefit to you.
Accountability partnerships work as follows: Each morning, you hold a 5-minute phone call during which you each share what you’re committing to do that day. For example, you could share your “Rule of 5,” in which you commit to doing 5 things to move you toward your biggest goal.
The next morning, you report on your progress from the previous day and share what you’ll accomplish in the coming 24-hour period. Knowing that your partner will be asking you whether you upheld your commitments the day before can be a powerful motivator for getting tasks completed.
A proven twist on accountability partnerships is working toward your goal with another person. For example, I meditate with my wife every morning. We hold each other accountable. If I sleep in too late, I can count on Inga to wake me up and say, “Come on, we’re meditating now.”
If you find that having a friend or colleague serve as your accountability partner is not enough, consider hiring a professional, such as a coach or trainer. These individuals may be better equipped to recognize self-sabotaging behaviors and beliefs – as well as to hold you accountable for taking action. And if you’re someone who hates to waste money, knowing that you’re paying someone to hold you accountable might be the added motivation you need to keep your commitments.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Principle 55 :

3. Declare Your Intentions

When you’re clear about which goals you’ll work on, you can increase your commitment by publicly declaring your intentions. Share your goals with the people in your life – the more, the better. You’ll be more likely to take action toward achieving your goals when the alternative is losing face with people about whom you care.

If the threat of public humiliation isn’t enough, you also can incorporate a negative consequence. Find something that will be painful for you to do, and publicly commit to enduring the consequence if you don’t achieve your goal.

Some people are more motivated by rewards than punishments. If this describes you, find a reward that you’ll receive upon completion of your goal. This could be anything from a vacation to buying the car you want or something more simple, such as treating yourself to a new outfit, Louis Vuitton bag or a massage. Rewards are powerful for motivating your inner child.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Principle 54 :

2. Are You Realistic?

Once you’ve confirmed that your goals are things you truly want to achieve, the second thing to verify is that your goals are realistic.

One by one, break each of your goals down. Get clear on what would really be required to achieve each goal. Realistically assess how many hours it would take each week or day to achieve the goal.

Next, start scheduling all of the activities that are required to achieve your various goals. (Note: If you don’t know all of the steps to achieve them, just list the ones that you are aware of for the purposes of this exercise; the rest of the steps will unfold once you begin taking action.)

Once you start scheduling key activities into your calendars, many of us begin to realize that there’s not enough time in our schedules to accomplish everything we want to do. If this is the case for you, go back and prioritize your goals. Which goals matter the most to you? Do any of your goals need to achieved before you can start working on another goal?

Jack Canfield

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Principle 53 :

   follow to Principle 52:

1. Evaluate Your Motivation

If you’ve lost momentum toward your goals, the first thing to do is verify your commitment. A lot of our goals tend to be “should’s” rather than deep “want to’s.” But I’ve discovered that without a burning desire to achieve a goal, your motivation wanes quickly, and your subconscious mind turns its attention to more exciting desires.

For example, many people set New Year’s resolutions to lose weight – a goal that often falls into the “should” category. We feel like should lose weight because it will make us healthier, reduce stress on our joints, and make us feel more confident and attractive. Unfortunately, these benefits are typically not compelling enough to motivate us to keep our commitment to lose the extra pounds.

However, if you find out that a new baby will soon join your family, your “why” suddenly becomes bigger. Now you’re motivated to lose weight because doing so will increase the odds that you’ll be around to watch that baby grow into adulthood.

Pull out your list of goals, and for each one, ask, “What is my why? Why do I want to achieve this? And am I committed enough to my why to do whatever it takes to achieve this goal?” By identifying or even upgrading your “why,” you can tap into greater motivation and commitment to achieve your goal.

Jack Canfield

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Principle 52 :

Most people start pursuing their goals – especially New Year’s resolutions – with great passion. But over time, they lose momentum, burn out and put their dreams aside.If this happens to you, it’s a clear-cut sign that your goals are not sustainable.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Principle 51 :

As you begin to take action toward the fulfillment of your goals and dreams, you must realize that not every action will be perfect.Not every action will produce the desired result. Not every action will work. Making mistakes, getting it almost right, and experimenting to see what happens are all part of the process of eventually getting it right.

Thomas Edison is reported to have tried over 2,000 different experiments that failed before he finally got the light bulb to work. He once told a reporter that, from his perspective, he had never failed at all. Inventing the light bulb was just a 2,000-step process. If you can adopt that attitude, then you can be free to take an action, notice what result you get, and then adjust your next actions based on the feedback you have received.

Ready, Fire, Aim!

Don’t be afraid to just jump in and get started moving toward your goals. As long as you pay attention to the feedback you receive, you will make progress. Just getting into the game and firing allows you to correct and refine your aim.

Jack Canfield

Monday, May 20, 2013

Principle 50 :

“If you want to be really successful, and I know you do, then you will have to give up blaming and complaining and take total responsibility for your life — that means all your results, both your successes and your failures. That is the prerequisite for creating a life of success.” — P.4-5
Jack Canfield

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Principle 49 :

Leadership can be understood in a couple of sentences.Firstly, the ability to think out of the box.This ability does not come naturally.It comes from an alert and knowledgeable mind and can be cultivated.Secondly,a leader should have crystal clear views of the issues that he is up against.Without this vision,he will groping in the dark like most of us.Leaders like Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Gandhi come to mind.Both knew what the issues were in great clarity;-the former on the issue of slavery even at the cost of civil war and the latter on the misery of the Indian situation due to colonialism. Gandhiji thought outside the box with his Satyagraha movement and Lincoln meant to preserve the Union,whatever the cost.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Principle 48 :

To lead from the soul means that evolution is your top priority.   You never act in such a way that you lower the self-esteem of others. You examine your underlying beliefs and modify them as new opportunities for growth reveal themselves. Because evolution is an unstoppable force in the universe, you draw upon invisible powers. Therefore, being responsible is no longer a burden.  It rests lightly on you as long as you continue to grow

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Principle 47 :

All of this took place within a larger trend of income inequality, the deterioration of worker's benefits, lost pensions, and pressure to show a rising profit to shareholders.  

Leading from the soul means that you take responsibility for more than the group’s needs. You have a concern for everyone’s person growth. This responsibility begins with your own evolution.  In eight areas of your life you have the power to be guided by your soul: thoughts, emotions, perception, personal relationships, social role, environment, speech, and the body.  In all of these areas your behavior affects the people you lead.  If you evolve, so will they. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Principle 46 :

If you follow these principles, you will succeed on many levels, engendering an atmosphere of trust and loyalty.  Working in such an atmosphere, the group will feel secure at a basic level that is very necessary. Insecurity creates massive stress and all the problems that attend it.

But we have to be realistic, too. Today more than ever, it takes consciousness to keep on the responsible track. For many in business, responsibility has become an old-fashioned value to be shrugged off in favour of profitability.  The financial crash of 2008 was engineered through a flagrant lack of responsibility, combined with risk-taking far out of bounds with sensible practice. Yet the lesson that the financial sector took away was the opposite of responsible. With record profits and huge bonuses in the offing, they went back to a slightly modified version of their worst practices.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Principle 45 :

In practice, there is a hierarchy of steps that you can climb, beginning with a lack of recklessness and rising to the top, where you are responsible for imparting the highest values of your vision. All of us fall somewhere on this path.

You earn your credentials for being a responsible leader through the following behaviors, which are noted and imitated by the rest of the group:

1. You show that actions have consequences.
2. You don't say one thing and do another.
3. You don't shirk the hard choices or delegate them to others so that you are covered no matter what happens.
4. You don't have henchmen who do the dirty work so that your hands look clean.
5. If you back someone up, you establish a bond that they can depend on.
6. You treat people decently, putting everyone on an equal plane.
7. You are cautious with other people's money, taking seriously your fiduciary responsibility.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Principle 44 :

Being responsible is the mark of a mature, conscious person. But success also requires risk-taking, intuitive leaps, innovation, and thinking outside the box. Those values will be quashed if leadership is totally conservative and cautious.  You don't have to view "responsible" as synonymous with caution and a policy of no risks. Being responsible, seen in the wider context, means showing initiative, taking mature risks rather than reckless ones, walking the talk, having integrity, and living up to your inner values. Seen from the level of the soul, a leader’s greatest responsibility is to lead the group on the path of higher consciousness.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Principle 43 :

Teach yourselves, teach everyone his real nature, call upon the sleeping soul and see how it awakes. Power will come, glory will come, goodness will come, purity will come, and everything that is excellent will come when this sleeping soul is roused to self-conscious activity.

Swami Vivekananda

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Principle 42 :

For most of us, our early education and training focused on looking outside ourselves for answers to our questions. But super-successful people not only have developed their intuition, but they trust their gut and follow their inner guidance.
You, too, can use your intuition to make more money, make better decisions, solve problems more quickly, unleash your creative genius, discern people's hidden motives, and create winning business plans and strategies.

Because developing your intuition is so important, I'm always teaching super-effective methods for accessing your intuition using meditation during my live events and private retreats. Thousands have benefited from these empowering guided meditations, and now you can too.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Principle 41 :

The subconscious is incredibly powerful, representing five-sixths of our brain’s thinking and power. To achieve success consistently and effortlessly, you must align your subconscious mind with what you want to create in your life.

Awakening Power, will help you do just that, providing you with guided visualizations & meditations for success.

Let go of past programming. If your subconscious beliefs conflict with the outcomes you’re consciously affirming, you’re guaranteed to fail. The subconscious wins … every time.
Visualize what you want. Your subconscious can’t tell the difference between a real and imagined event. When it “sees” what you want to achieve, it will find ways to make your dreams come true.
Tune into your inner wisdom. Meditation provides the stillness you need to hear the quiet voice of your intuition, which holds the answers you need to achieve your goals.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Principle 40 :

Choice Point:
Align Your Purpose is a powerful new movie that explores, educates and inspires us to understand that seemingly negative life events or crises prove to be an opportunity for change. Faced with these challenges, we can opt for something better…a choice that leads us down the path toward serving the greater good on a large scale–and dramatically increases our satisfaction with our own lives.

And as odd as it sounds, even though I was interviewed for the movie, when I saw it for the first time in its entirety, I had no idea the positive impact its powerful message would have on me.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Principle 39 :

For Success principles you have to take a break also,means have to spend good time with your friends,parents,etc.The reason behind that is your mind also needs some freshness to work like everything needs some kind of relaxation to have back in work.For that keep follow the rules and enjoy the work.Keep in mind god saves something for you because god doesnt create garbage.Everything in this world,comes,exists for some reason and we have to find that reason to achieve that goal for that which God send us to do.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Principle 38 :

What prevents you from achieving the success you want?

Is it a lack of money, free time, or opportunities at work? Have you not achieved your goals because of the economy, what your business colleagues have done (or not done), or the lack of motivation among your employees? Perhaps you place the blame on how you were raised or on your family for not giving you the proper amount and type of support.

There is list of reasons why you aren’t where you want to be, you’re not alone. Most people automatically find excuses and blame others when things don’t work out the way they want. This seems to be particularly true in the United States, where many people buy into the myth that we are entitled to success and happiness – that someone else should be giving us what we want.

Jack Canfield

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Principle 37 :

One of the common ways we block SUCCESS is by refusing to take action on a project or opportunity until we can see the entire pathway from start to finish. We are afraid to start, because the outcome is uncertain. While we plan, think, research, and analyze, the opportunity slips away.

Highly successful people take a different approach. They just lean into it – they open themselves to opportunities and become willing to do what it takes to pursue opportunities further – without any expectations. They say “yes” to opportunities, take the first step … and then find out along the way if they want to keep going.

Jack Canfield

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Principle 36 :

Many people desire to obtain financial success, but simply don't know where to start. I can help with that part, as well as show you how to change your beliefs about money and master the key habits you need to succeed. Through the years, I've helped thousands of people pursue success with money and life. Now it's your turn.

How to develop key habits to help you focus on what's important
How to identify and define what financial success means to you
How to transcend and overcome your limiting beliefs about money
How to take control of your time and develop helpful skills to identify new opportunities
Effective techniques to overcome your fears, take action and stay motivated until you reach your goals.

When you get the answere from yourself then surely you achieve what you want to be.